Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Been busy studying for my actuarial Exam P on July 19th. It's kind of a big deal, landing a job can very well depend on if I pass this test or not, so needless to say my photography has taken a backseat to studying.

But I did take a small study break today to snap some shots. I didn't venture far because A. it was too hot to be outside for long B. I didn't want to spend the time going anywhere other than my own yard. We have a few flowers in bloom around the yard so I just took some pictures of them. Been trying to work on my depth of field because I don't always have it large enough to get my entire subject in focus. Practiced that a bit with the flowers.
Only uploading one image. I could easily see myself wasting my whole day playing around in photoshop so I stopped myself after one. (click it for a larger image, so you can actually see that cricket/bug/whatever)
